Friday, 21 December 2012

We got £300!

Thank you to the Katie Martin and everyone involved in the Community Chest for the donation of £300! Fast forward to 2:15 to listen to the award!

Click her for the Katie Martin Show

Also well done to the other groups! Keep up the good work.

We can't wait to start!

Thursday, 20 December 2012

The Lett's took it all!

We had what we hope will be an annual raffle yesterday in the Wellington Arms. With spanners and a tattoo on offer we were truely blessed with gifts. We managed to raise £92.50. Thank you to everyone that made the evening happen.  Also thank you to Bob who allowed us to use his lovely pub, The Wellington Arms, for our Christmas Party.

We are famous!

Colin and I went to represent FTRass for a possibility of winning £1000!

Listen on the link below, fast forward to 2:15:52 on the scroll bar to listen to our interview.

Friday, 14 December 2012

Plans Approved

Plans for the redevelopment of the Park Hotel have been approved!

The proposal was passed unanimously, Stella spoke about her concerns over parking and asked if non permit parking hours could be extended to 7 or 8pm.  

Jeremy Molton spoke in support of Orchard Homes.  Mark Sennit (Orchard Homes) emphasised to the meeting that OH had changed their plans, from demolition to rebuild, under pressure and 2 meetings with FRTass.

It is a mixed outcome but overall the main aim was to retain the pub building which has been achieved.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

You have to be in it to win it!

We have made the short-list

As all of you will know we entered the BBC Solent Community Chest (

I am glad to announce you that this morning I received a call informing me that we have been short-listed for next week's show! Get in!

So on Monday the 17th December 2012 at 1515 our garden project will be one of three projects with a chance to scoop up £1000.00.

Make sure you tune in!!!